The Big 5 Ws
Who am I?
I am John Lomas, a software developer.
My professional experience is in Windows desktop applications development of personal income tax return and corporate income tax return preparation software, and web-based development of workers compensation and commercial auto insurance management systems.
I have experience as a configuration manager. In this role, I administered the version control system, performed full product and minor update builds, and maintained the build scripts.
I have created custom EDI processes automating: the handling of large teleconference invoices into accounting systems, the transformation of raw computer data into final client-ready laboratory reports, the extraction and importation of general ledger data. I have worked with formal EDI processes such as: USA IRS e-file, Coventry Health Care, Ebix, and Verisk.
My development experience is pretty diverse. Language use includes: Visual Basic, C++, C#, SQL, Perl, JavaScript, jQuery, XML, JSON, HTML, and CSS. Tools include: SQL Server, Visual Studio, MKS Source Integrity, SVN, Jira, Axosoft, Git, GitHub, Skype, Outlook, Lotus Notes, Winbatch, and other custom tool sets.
Review my Resume for recent work history.
Why be here?
Are you interested in software development?
Maybe your interest is in creating web pages. Maybe your interest is in databases. Maybe your interest is in desktop applications.
If these topics sound interesting, then this site is a resource for you.
There are always new languages, new frameworks, and new techniques to learn. If someone can blaze the trail for others, then we all benefit.
Our tour will take us from the basics of each of these topics starting with simple topics to more complex enterprise examples.
What will we see?
Much of software development is web-centered today as users access information on multiple mobile devices. There are some common concepts in all software development, and certain underlying technologies in web development.
This site will focus on web technologies. Topics will include: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, various frameworks, AJAX, APIs, REST-ful services, and database interactions. As I learn something, I will bring the topic into the tour.
What you see on this site is my creation unless otherwise stated. I give credit to material which is not my own. After all, why recreate the wheel if you have one that works. Borrowed code in support of this site has credits in the code itself. Visible elements will have credits on the page.
The carousel pictures on this page come from:
Where am I?
Here. I work full-time remotely from home. In my spare time, I maintain this site.
I grew up in Massachusetts, went to college and lived in Vermont, and currently reside in Florida where I get to enjoy year-round warm weather.
When will I update?
I do not have a set schedule for new updates. The plan is to add a NEW badge NEW to new content as I add it. The badge will be active for content new in the last 30 days.
This site went live in September 2019 with the Home, About, and Resume pages.